Presence: Fixing culture starts with your calendar, not your office

For all the talk about more office time, in truth if we want to fix our culture it starts with our calendars not our offices.

In the last few years the amount of time we spend in meetings has doubled. It has turned work into an exhausted, disembodied mess. A hectic haze.

Yet bosses see broken, anaemic cultures and declare ‘we need more office time’. In this Presence deck Bruce Daisley lays out the case to tackle the big challenge of modern work – designing our use of calendar time.

View the Presence deck above

Rituals build culture

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Real life rituals

Listen: Apple / Spotify / web

Yes And – How the secrets of Improv can teach us about presence

Listen: Apple / Spotify / web

Presence starts with positive leadership 

Listen: Apple / Spotify / web

Fish! Time to revisit a culture classic?

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Where are you going podcast

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